Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer to your question here, then please call us on 01789 470007 or email

How do I log in to the website? Where can I find my log in details?

Click login at the top right of the website. Your user name is generally your membership number and password will be your surname (with an initial capital letter)

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Where can I find membership number?

For security purposes we do not give out membership numbers on-line; please contact Membership for this information.

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How can I check if I have paid my membership subscription?

To check your account details please contact Membership and we will be able to tell you when your membership renewal date is

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How can I find out if my school is a D&T Association member?

Please contact Membership and we will be able to check if your membership is up to date

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What member category is right for me?

We offer memberships to suit most teachers in Primary and Secondary schools. Departmental and School, Individual, NQT, online, trainee and retired.

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What do I do if my contact details change?

It is important that you inform us of your change of school, home address or contact details

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How can I or my school pay for my membership?

You can join and pay on line, by phone or email us

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How do I renew my membership online?

Please contact Membership to renew your membership.

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If I join online, how long before I can make use of my membership benefits?

As soon as you fill in the membership form, and your payment has been processed correctly, you can enjoy all the benefits of membership

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