Frequently Asked Questions

If you cannot find the answer to your question here, then please call us on 01789 470007 or email

How do I log in to the website? Where can I find my log in details?

Click login at the top right of the website. Your user name is generally your membership number and password will be your surname (with an initial capital letter)

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Where can I find membership number?

For security purposes we do not give out membership numbers on-line; please contact Membership for this information.

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How can I check if I have paid my membership subscription?

To check your account details please contact Membership and we will be able to tell you when your membership renewal date is

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How can I find out if my school is a D&T Association member?

Please contact Membership and we will be able to check if your membership is up to date

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What member category is right for me?

We offer memberships to suit most teachers in Primary and Secondary schools. Departmental and School, Individual, NQT, online, trainee and retired.

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What do I do if my contact details change?

It is important that you inform us of your change of school, home address or contact details

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How can I or my school pay for my membership?

You can join and pay on line, by phone or email us

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How do I renew my membership online?

Please contact Membership to renew your membership.

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If I join online, how long before I can make use of my membership benefits?

As soon as you fill in the membership form, and your payment has been processed correctly, you can enjoy all the benefits of membership

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What is the maximum number of students that should be taught within D&T workshops and studios?

Detailed advice regarding student numbers in D&T is set out in our publication: ‘Risk Assessment in Secondary Schools and Colleges D&T Teaching Environments’, available from the D&TA resource shop. Alternatively, log in to read a full response to the question.

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What size should D&T rooms be and what space is required around individual machinery and equipment?

Safe working practice in D&T requires sufficient overall space so that students can move safely around the furniture, equipment and machinery that is required today in a modern D&T workshop or studio. Log in to read the full response to this question.

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What risk assessments should be in place in a D&T department?

‘Suitable and sufficient’ risk assessments are an explicit requirement of ‘The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations.’ D&T department risk assessments should facilitate both a safe place of work and safe systems of work. Log in to read the full response to this question.

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What are legal implications regarding other teachers, i.e. unqualified teachers, teaching D&T?

The document BS4163:2021 Health and safety for design and technology in educational and similar establishments – Code of Practice’ provides clear guidance on those responsible for supervising students whilst undertaking design and technology activities. As a Code of Practice it provides practical compliance of how to comply with the law. Log in to read the full response to this question.

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What are the regulations or guidance relating to the amount of technician support required in D&T departments? Is there a prescribed ratio, as per subjects such as in Science?

There is no legal requirement governing technicians, however we fully recognise the important contribution that technicians make to both the school as a whole and the department, as well as standards achieved by students. Log in to read the full response to this question

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Are there any age restrictions relating to the use of machines by students in school workshops?

We would always advise schools to follow the guidance provided in ‘BS4163:2021 Health and safety for design and technology in educational and similar establishments – Code of practice’ and any further guidance provided by your employer. Log in to read the full response to this question.

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When should ITT students be registered on-line for their H&S accreditation?

The D&T Association H&S Training Standards establish the professional view of what should constitute the minimum H&S training requirements for ITT students in D&T. Log in to read the full response to this question.

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Is MDF safe to use in school workshops?

Are there woods that are not recommended for use in schools? Much media attention has been drawn towards MDF and the hazards associated with its use in schools, although there is no evidence that calls for it to be removed entirely from use in schools, it’s use does raise serious concerns. Log in to read the full response to this question.

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Should D&T Staff be required to lift sewing machines in and out of cupboards under benches on a daily basis.

Wherever possible it is recommended that employees should avoid manual handling, so is it necessary to move the sewing machines from a cupboard onto the work-surface, or can they be safely left out in the classroom? Log in to read the full response to this question.

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Should brakes be fitted on woodworking machinery in school workshops?

The ruling on braking to certain classes of woodworking machinery was introduced following the updating of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) in 1998. Log in to read the full response to this question.

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Can students use glue guns in Primary schools?

The D&T Association H&S guidelines for Primary colleagues provides guidance on the use of low-melt glue guns and whether they are safe to use in primary schools. Log in to read the full response to this question.

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Where can I find information on training and events?

Please go the the Training and events tab at the top of the website where you will be able to use the filters and geographic functions on the page to narrow down your search for the perfect CPD training event for you.

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How do I book a place on an event?

Find the event on the training and events page of our website and book on line using credit or debit card, PayPal or invoice. Alternatively you can call us and we will be happy to process your booking for you and send you out all the paper work

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We don’t have enough time to teach D&T well in our primary school. What should we do?

Ofsted evidence suggests that schools which have a broad and balanced curriculum often attain the highest standards in English and maths. Squeezing the time for D&T and other subjects may, in fact, be counterproductive! Consider how much teaching time is available and how it can be used to best effect. Some Schools simply don't have enough time to teach D&T well as teaching time in the school day is devoted to English and maths.

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What tools, equipment and materials should we buy for KS1 and KS2?

The tools, equipment and materials each individual school buys will depend on the projects they plan to carry out, what children actually design and make and the outcomes from risk assessments. The resources purchased should also comply with local authority, employer and school health and safety policy and guidance.

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How should we teach ‘exploded diagrams’ to children in KS2?

First, show children some examples of exploded diagrams e.g. those provided by a DIY store or used to assemble a model with a construction kit. Discuss the fact that exploded diagrams help when we want to show people the parts or components of the product we are designing, how they fit together and the order of assembly. If safe and possible, ask children to .....

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As a subject leader, how can I move staff on from making model Viking long ships and model Tudor houses in what they are currently calling ‘D&T’ projects?

Make sure that all class teachers use the ‘six D&T principles’ at the medium-term planning stage to check whether the project they have planned is, in fact, design and technology. For more information read our D&T Principles guidance document and our School Curriculum Principles for D&T

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How should we assess D&T now that levels and level descriptions have gone?

Use the D&T Association ‘Progression Framework’ to support formative assessment. With the removal of levels and level descriptions, this resource sets out developmental steps in children’s knowledge, understanding and skills......

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Can I evaluate the Projects on a Page scheme of work before I commit to buying it?

Yes – a sample project planner and an example of how a Projects on a Page planner could be translated into practice can be found in our Resource shop.

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When should children in KS2 to learn about important people in D&T who have helped shaped the world?

Across KS2, children should learn about a range of inventors, designers, engineers, chefs and manufacturers who have developed ground-breaking products, find out what they are famous for designing and/or making and what characteristics enabled them to become successful. The range of people and products that children consider should cover the range of aspects of D&T they will be working in.....

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Our school wants to get to grips with the new curriculum – where should we start?

The simplest way to get up and running with the new curriculum, is to watch three 5 minute D&TTV videos on National Curriculum implementation at KS1 and KS2. View the following videos

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I have taken on the role of subject leader for Primary D&T. Please could you advise me on any support that you offer?

The D&T Association have launched the Primary Subject Leaders’ file which will be the main resource for subject leaders – both new and experienced. The file will be extremely comprehensive, covering all aspects of the role and the D&T curriculum in primary schools. It will be available from the Resource Shop with related CPD at a range of venues around the country all bookable online

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Can Primary School children use sewing machines?

We are not aware of any age restrictions on the use of a sewing machine and many younger children find them relatively easy to use. We would advise a risk assessment is always done. Please log in to read the full advice.

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How much space should be allocated around sewing machines?

The space-allocation diagram indicates the recommended distances around sewing machines on a side bench

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Just how safe are borax based fluxes used in soldering and brazing?

If you use any Borax based flux, such as SIFBronze, you should be aware that the 2016 manufacturer's MSDS seriously upgraded the identified hazard.

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