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D&T Practice is an A4 magazine publication offering practical ideas and solutions to classroom teaching in D&T. Covering all focus areas it includes case studies of classroom projects, product and resource reviews and profiles of companies in the field, as well as news about the D&T Association and events and activities taking place in design and technology. D&T Practice is published three times a year and is available to D&T Association Secondary members and to other membership categories. It is also available by subscription.

D&T Practice 3-2013


  1. Editorial A message from Richard Green, Chief Executive, D&T Association
  2. National Curriculum update Excellent news for secondary D&T
  3. D&T Association Membership update D&T Association memberships are changing, we have added more member benefits, more flexibility and greater value for money including the option of Departmental membership
  4. New D&T Association Website We unveil our brand new ‘fully responsive’ website
  5. D&T News Find out some the latest news regarding design and technology
  6. Health and Safety update Your guide to Health and Safety Training in design and technology
  7. Resources Inspiring learning materials, free to download from The Gordon Russell Design Museum
  8. Different paths to VEX success! Using the VEX Robotics Design System to develop D&T in school
  9. Heston Blumenthal, spherification and banana spaghetti meet D&T! Experimenting with ‘molecular gastronomy’ in food technology
  10. STEM celebrations! From school STEM club to the Big Bang Fair with Practical Actions’ Global CREST Challenges
  11. The impact of same sex D&T classes in comprehensive education – a case study Are same sex groups the way forward to narrow the gap in ability and between genders?
  12. Advancing with renewable energy Topics covered in this article include infrared thermography, solar radiation instrumentation and miniature turbine testing
  13. Show-how know-how: Part 1 Theory and practice for demonstrating in design and technology
  14. Getting chilled in and out of the classroom Suzanne Jennings of Our Lady’s Convent School joins other teachers on a visit to sandwich manufacturer Greencore’s Northampton site
  15. Learning a few things from the Danish and Finnish education system Hayley Robins of Matthew Moss High School takes a trip to Scandinavia to see how the Danish, and some of the Finnish educationalists, teach and learn

Design and Technology Practice Magazine is a great way to keep up-to-date with exemplar D&T projects, and helps maintain the provision of a broad and balanced 21st Century D&T curriculum.

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