D&T Practice 3-2013 PDF copy
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D&T Practice is an A4 magazine publication offering practical ideas and solutions to classroom teaching in D&T. Covering all focus areas it includes case studies of classroom projects, product and resource reviews and profiles of companies in the field, as well as news about the D&T Association and events and activities taking place in design and technology. D&T Practice is published three times a year and is available to D&T Association Secondary members and to other membership categories. It is also available by subscription.
D&T Practice 3-2013
- Editorial A message from Richard Green, Chief Executive, D&T Association
- National Curriculum update Excellent news for secondary D&T
- D&T Association Membership update D&T Association memberships are changing, we have added more member benefits, more flexibility and greater value for money including the option of Departmental membership
- New D&T Association Website We unveil our brand new ‘fully responsive’ website
- D&T News Find out some the latest news regarding design and technology
- Health and Safety update Your guide to Health and Safety Training in design and technology
- Resources Inspiring learning materials, free to download from The Gordon Russell Design Museum
- Different paths to VEX success! Using the VEX Robotics Design System to develop D&T in school
- Heston Blumenthal, spherification and banana spaghetti meet D&T! Experimenting with ‘molecular gastronomy’ in food technology
- STEM celebrations! From school STEM club to the Big Bang Fair with Practical Actions’ Global CREST Challenges
- The impact of same sex D&T classes in comprehensive education – a case study Are same sex groups the way forward to narrow the gap in ability and between genders?
- Advancing with renewable energy Topics covered in this article include infrared thermography, solar radiation instrumentation and miniature turbine testing
- Show-how know-how: Part 1 Theory and practice for demonstrating in design and technology
- Getting chilled in and out of the classroom Suzanne Jennings of Our Lady’s Convent School joins other teachers on a visit to sandwich manufacturer Greencore’s Northampton site
- Learning a few things from the Danish and Finnish education system Hayley Robins of Matthew Moss High School takes a trip to Scandinavia to see how the Danish, and some of the Finnish educationalists, teach and learn
Design and Technology Practice Magazine is a great way to keep up-to-date with exemplar D&T projects, and helps maintain the provision of a broad and balanced 21st Century D&T curriculum.
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